Baptisms |
Babies change life! They bring great joy and often a fair bit of tiredness. It’s good to thank God for the gift of a new life and we all need support in bringing up our children as Christians. In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love. We also make a serious commitment to bring our child up in the Christian faith, within the life of the church. In the Anglican Church it is common to baptism young children; this is sometimes known, outside the church, as christening. It is also totally appropriate to get baptised as an adult, if you weren’t baptised as a child. We encourage everyone who wishes to make a serious commitment to follow Christ to be baptised.
We will be delighted to help you prepare for your or your child’s baptism (also known as “Christening”). Baptisms normally take place during a Sunday morning service. If you would like to enquire about a baptism please contact Hannah Jeffery on [email protected] or 01536 660415. |
marriage Congratulations on wanting to get married! Choosing to get married is a big decision and we are delighted to be able to help you plan your service for the big day. If you’d like to know more about getting married in church do take a look at the website
We know that many couples have had to cancel or postpone their weddings due to Covid-19. However, we can still talk to you about getting married in church and we are able to conduct weddings that will ensure you have a really special and meaningful occasion. For weddings, one of the clergy team will take time to get to know you and help you prepare for this important occasion, and advise you of all the options. As a first step please contact the Assistant Priest, Neil Clarke, who will guide you through the process. You can contact Neil either by email - [email protected] or telephone on 01536 760667. |
It is important to recognise publicly a growth in your maturity as a committed Christian, and to witness to your faith, and for that to be affirmed. Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised either as an adult or as a child make a firm commitment to Christian discipleship. Through prayer and the laying on of hands, the Church also asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.
In the service the bishop (in the Church of England) or Minister (in the Methodist Church) lays his/her hands on your head and says 'Lord, confirm [strengthen] your servant (your name) by your Holy Spirit that she/he may continue yours for ever.' If you’d like to be confirmed please contact the Rector, Hannah Jeffery.
We are here to assist people as they plan and experience this significant life event in a way that helps them know God’s presence.
Funerals take place either in church followed by a brief ceremony at the crematorium/cemetery or at the crematorium/cemetery.
In the case of a bereavement one of the Ministry Team will visit you to offer support and advice as you plan the funeral and as you continue in your bereavement. Please contact our Assistant Priest, Neil Clarke, in the first instance and he and the Ministry Team will help you with the initial arrangements with the undertakers for the funeral and will support you through your bereavement. You may also find the information on the Funeral Costs Help website useful. It is dedicated to helping people understand what is involved in planning a funeral and the costs involved. The website is at |