Children, young people and families...To find out more about any of the groups listed please see our 'Who's Who' page for contact details.
engage...Engage is for anyone aged over 11, and meets once a month on a Sunday evening. It’s geared towards young people who want to explore what it means in practice to be a Christian. We play games, eat together and support one another as we experiment with different ways to actively share God’s love with the world. To find out more contact Hannah Jeffery.
scouts, guides, rangers, cuBs, Brownies & Beavers...Scouts, Guides, Rangers, Cubs, Brownies, Rainbows and Beavers all meet at various times during the week in the Community Centre. See the contacts page to get more information.
tiny tots...Tiny Tots meets on Thursday afternoons at 2pm in the St Giles Community Centre. Parents/carers and their little ones meet for fun, games and other activities. All are welcome!
BUBBLE CHURCH...Bubble Church is especially for families with children up to the age of 7. For more information please see our Bubble Church page (BUBBLE CHURCH). If you have older children they’re welcome too – we will encourage them to join the Bubble Church team!
holiday cluB...Holiday Club is for junior school children aged over 7. It takes place each weekday morning during the first week of the school summer holidays.
friday family fun...Friday Family Fun (our version of Messy Church), usually meets on the second Friday of each month in the Community Centre at 5pm - a time for messy play and crafts, songs, stories and a family meal together. All are welcome – mums, dads, carers and your children!
Junior Church...During our communion services (usually the first and third Sundays) children of primary school age upwards come out for some of the service. The activities include stories, games, craft and more, and take place in the Community Centre. There are also specific age related activities for the children in our all age services, led by our all age service team.